March 7, 2016

The worst case of bike crappie talk ever

The worst case of bike crappie talk ever

At the week end I went for a gallop on the bike,and at a filling station I bumped into a lad who is married to a woman my wife works with. So I will christen this lad “Bollox head” for the purpose of this thread.

So he sees me and comes over. Oh says he I love bikes…mad about them I am. Oh says I as I pump petrol in to the tank. Seeing HONDA written on the fairings he says to me “is that a gold wing? ”

“Eh no”said i it’s a fireblade.

So Bollox head quickly sinks further into bollox bike talk by telling me his friend used to race bikes and was “pure mad”.

You can imagine my interest in this yarn but for politeness sake I asked what he raced? Oh a Suzuki RD 350 power valve replies Bollox head. Oh I done a few laps of mondello on it he continued . Actually he said I done a qualifying session for him. I had only ridden a Honda 50 and he let me on the track with it. I done fierce well….I qualified in 3rd place he boasted. Oh mother of christ I was thinking to myself. Then he topped it all off with the “maybe you’ll give me a spin on that yoke?”. Jesus some lads are dopes and this lad is nearly 50. Its the worst case of bollox bike talk I encountered in a while. Any one any thing to top this genius?

Source: The worst case of bike crappie talk ever