April 22, 2015

TT build up

TT build up
Come on guys, its only a few weeks to go, lets get some atmosphere here with some TT build up stuff. Are your bikes ready? Your kit and camping gear you just threw in the loft after last year.

Well I did just that bunged it all up in the loft, since then its got buried under junk, so in the loft over the weekend, digging it all out and in the workshop ready for inspection etc. Thinking of maybe fitting a rack on my tow bar and bringing a trials bike this year, not sure yet though, need to get it MOT’d first.

I’ve got my camping permit for Claddagh sorted, so that where we’ll stay yet again

Wont be too long until the NW200 and then its really TT time, and some of the great folks out there will start posting the build up pics :0 We hope anyway.
Source: TT build up